Preaching and Training:

Kickoffs and Launches
Jump start your evangelism events - strategy - community effort.
Jeff brings a fresh word of encouragement to inspire your people and help them to focus on the Great Commission task.
This includes: Sunday night ministry/outreach banquets, raillies, evangelism conferences, or any ministry event that needs a challege to be missional.
The NAMB Evangelism Kit
The NAMB Evangelism kit is the newest evangelism resource from the North American Mission Board to guide churches to implement an intentional evangelism strategy. This KIT is available to every Montana pastor and church.
The strategy engages the lostness of the local church's community and beyond. The Evangelism Kit is a solid basic approach to shift church culture to be evangelistic. Sharing the gospel is not just what we should do, it is not just what we can do. Sharing the Good News...the GOSPEL is the best we can do for anyone anywhere, all the time. What if our congregations; or what if your congregation highly valued and practiced the Bible truth that: "Sharing the gospel wih someone is the most loving thing a Christian can do?" It would radically change our scorecard, or how we measure success, who the heroes are in our churches, and it would change our stories of what God is doing in and through the lives of our people.
Jeff is passionate about working with pastors to assist them in the implementation of the Evangelism Kit. Jeff brings decades of experience developing evangelism strategies and assisting and coaching hundreds of churches throughout the nation to intentionally implement biblically sound E-Strategies. These strategies engage more members to be involoved in loving others and sharing the Good News. You should strongly consider implementing the NAMB Evangelism Strategy. All of our churhces can do more and better leading members to be soul winners and local missionaires.

I’ve been ask many times, “Do revivals work”? The short answer to the question is yes! Typically the success of the revival is directly related to how well a church is willing to give attention to fervent prayer. Believers need to seek God, He can move anyway He wants to move. When He hears the cry of His people calling on Him to bring revival to their church He often pours out blessings, spiritual renewal and salvation.
In addition to fervent prayer members/believers in the church need to participate in the revival services. They also need to be very involved in the preparation stage of inviting friends, co-workers, fellow students, neighbors and families who are unchurched or lost to the services. Sometimes revivals are supported with special meetings such as senior adult lunches, youth rallies, and more. These specialized meeting help various age groups reach their friends with specific events that connect with them.
We would be happy to help you plan a revival. A one-day revival or multiple day revival can be an awesome experience.
Training Events

Lets spend an hour or two together with your group and teach them how to share Christ. We can use one of several different evangelism resources that are excellent for training so those we teach get it quickly.
3-Circles: Life Conversations This is a simple way to share the gospel using pen and paper or napkin drawing while hanging out with others. This awesome approach to sharing Christ is effective and easy to learn.
Evange-Cube: A picture is worth a 1,000 words! We will focus on memorizing 5 images and their meaning so your group can have an effective witnessing conversation by memory anytime, anywhere and with anyone. No need to invest in purchasing cubes and other E-Cube resources unless you want to.
The Marked New Testament: Some may think this is an old fashion way to share the gospel, but sharing Christ is never “old fashion”. Learn how to prepare your Bible so you can walk anyone through the gospel verse-by-verse and lead them to Jesus. This is an awesome way to share Jesus straight from the Bible.
The Red Stone: This is a great way to be sure you’re planting gospel seeds everywhere you go. The little red stone looks like a drop of Jesus’ precious blood when placed in the hand of someone. It’s a good way to let people know that Jesus loves them and died just for them. I use these all the time, everywhere I go!
Contact me to learn more.