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Summer Plans

Dr. Jeff Hessinger

Updated: Jun 3, 2022

It’s hard to believe the summer is just about here. Only two more weeks and the schools throughout Orlando will be out for the summer. At the Oasis Church it means we are wrapping up all our plans for an amazing summer of ministry. It will be a summer of outreach events galore. Being a church situated in the Conway Gardens community means block parties, festivals, a car show, VBS, and so much more. Parents will love bringing children to out door movies and a concert for the seniors. I believe the couponing class will be helpful for many of the families; I hope to see a weekly coupon exchange begin.

This is an important summer for the Oasis Church. We have been on a church revitalization journey and have completed a tremendous amount of work to the facilities and property of the church. We had a couple of hurricane interruptions but so many of our faithful men and women have stayed the course. We have been good stewards of the physical resources and now our focus must be to reach our community with the gospel.

This is the summer we discover the heart of the church. We will determine if we a congregation that wants to maintain the facilities and remain a cozy group of believers that reminisce about the good old days or if we are willing join God in His redemptive plan for the Conway Gardens community. We can be like Gideon (Judges 6) and be satisfied with our situation and hide out in our own comfy holy huddle or we going to respond like Gideon did to the Angel of the Lord by eventually becoming a mighty man of valor and was used of God to relieve the oppression of the enemy.

The Conway Gardens community needs the Oasis Church to be a thriving healthy growing evangelistic church that has ministries that boldly proclaim the Good News and ministers to families by making disciples of all ages. O Lord may it be!

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